What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Survivor Series 2014

Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match

Emma, Naomi, Alicia Fox & Natalya vs. Paige, Cameron, Summer Rae & Layla

Best Case Scenario: Outside of Cameron, everyone gets to show off a little bit in this match, with it coming down to Alicia Fox and maybe Emma vs. Paige and Summer Rae, which would allow the best performers in the match to get a good shine. Or, Sasha Banks and Charlotte Flair come in to the match to make it a 5 v. 5 match (THE WAY GOD HIMSELF INTENDED), and start a cosmic, Dragonball Z-level feud by annihilating the other’s entire team.

Worst Case Scenario: Cameron gets put in the Ricky Morton role. Or really, even a roll-up might be a bit of an issue.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Just enough of the younger performers to get the ground interested in the idea of them, but not so much that people (Jerry, I’m looking at you, pal) start chanting “we want puppies” because their attention spans have been stretched too far by newness.

What Will Happen: People will start chanting “we want puppies”, while looking over at Jerry Lawler.

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