What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Survivor Series 2014

WWE Tag Team Championship Match

4-Team Elimination Match

MizDo(w)s vs. The Dust(y) Brothers (Gold & Stardust) (C) vs. Los Matadores vs. The Usos

Best Case Scenario: Miz and MizDow have a mind meld, allowing them to work like I assume the Wondertwins work/hazily remember from watching the Super Friends. This allows them to defeat three other teams of brothers, breaking the longest streak of brother tag teams holding the titles since the Great Steiner-Beverly Wars of the early 90’s.

Worst Case Scenario: The Lucha Dragons’ “replacements” from this week’s episode of NXT are introduced into the match and somehow win. This makes the first pair of little people to win the title since the last time Los Matadores back when they were Epico and Primo.  

What Nick Wants to Happen: The Dust(y) Brothers win, by hook and/or crook.

What Will Happen: Probably makes sense to give the belts to MizDo(w)s, as they have been the best thing going outside of Tyson Kidd (and at least for this guy, Ryback) and they have enough tag team experience/magic to carry the titles to, presumably, the Ascension.

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