What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: WWE Fastlane PPV

WWE Divas Championship

Nikki Paige

Nikki Bella (c) vs. Paige

Best Case Scenario: A ten-minute match, with Sara Del Rey as the agent, and Vince McMahon given some sort of sleeping/psychotropic drug that makes him think he’s watching that match when he had the Fabulous Moolah screw over Wendi Richter, so at least he can he’ll hae something to masturbate to in this match, even if it’s just his own ruthlessness.

Worst Case Scenario: This is turned into a bra and panties match, or Jerry Lawler is allowed to be on commentary. If those  two things happen in conjunction, I will quit.

What Nick Wants To Happen: This match to be literally a quarter as good as the four-way NXT Women’s title match from Takeover 10: Mission to Moscow.

What Will Happen: Paige goes over in a match that keeps with WWE’s long standing tradition of making the women’s matches a pee break. My heart dying a little inside.

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