Divas Championship Match
Best Case Scenario: A match somewhere near the level that Paige’s work at when she was in NXT, while Naomi gets to show something more than athleticism. Also, Jerry Lawler keeping his dick in his pants or at the very least not tweeting about his complete inability to do just that.
Worst Case Scenario: Jerry Lawler and Cameron on commentary together calling the match. Paige loses cleanly in the middle of the ring to the flying ass bump from Naomi. Then she turns heel on Cameron, joins forces with Summer Rae and starts a feud with Natalya and Cameron over the newly christened Total Divas Tag Team Championships. Ratings for both Raw and Total Divas plummet.
What Nick Wants to Happen: Paige to make her way through botched interference that breaks up the Funkadactyls so they can retire that awful song and those awful cheerleader gimmicks. Also, Cameron and Jerry to run off together mid-match, never to be heard from again.
What Will Happen: The crowd will shit all over the work that both of these performers do, because they are Divas. And Cameron will likely give them what they think is a justification for their feelings by just being the absolute, unequivocal worst during her almost inevitable involvement in the match. Paige retains.
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