What’s the Worst That Could Happen: 2014 Money in the Bank

Tonight is WWE's Money in the Bank PPV, the third best PPV of the year. What's the Worst That Could Happen?


Best Case Scenario: The RybAxels and Dust(y) Brothers get more than five minutes to show why they should be the next tag team to get a major push, but the Dust(y) Brothers make it clear that they are the next team that should be contend for the WWE Tag Team championship.

Worst Case Scenario: The WWE completely blows the slow burn they’ve been pushing towards with a Cody-Dustin break up, has Cody attack Goldust and they work a meaningless match at Battleground. Or, somebody — I’m looking at you, Jerry — uses the “F” word to describe Stardust.

What Nick Wants to Happen: The crowd to actually care about this match, and for no one to get hurt. Both these teams are secretly (or in Star/Goldust’s case, not so secretly) wonderful, and deserve to be treated as such.

What Will Happen: Neither team will be treated with respect, and Jerry Lawler will call Stardust the “F” word, then tweet about it. Because he’s just the worst.

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