What’s the Worst That Could Happen: Battleground PPV

Swagger Rusev

Jack Swagger vs. Rusev

Best Case Scenario: The rise of the Real All-American American American Jack Swagger helps preserve the union, but Rusev still manages to eek out a win because of Lana-related shenanigans. Everybody keeps their heat, and proud Americans get to go home both happy and mightly perturbed. Which is what America is all about.

Worst Case Scenario: Zeb Colter, using his new found fan support for evil, starts a highly offensive chant in the arena, as a picture of a flapping American flag plays on the Titantron. Or this turns into a mixed-tag match.

What Nick Wants to Happen: This to be more than seven minutes in Hoss Heaven, like the last Rusev match at a PPV.

What Will Happen: Jack Swagger will unintentionally break Rusev into a million tiny pieces, then blame non-American craftmanship. He will also be the first person to legitimately break out of the Accolade in a match. Rusev will still win.

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