What’s the Worst That Could Happen: Battleground PPV


Usos Wyatts

The Usos (C) vs. Bray Wyatt’s Dueling Banjo Band

Best Case Scenario: Ah, the two-out-of-three-falls tag team title match. The best way to have a popular team lose the belt, allowing to them look strong and often lose on a shmoz finish while also giving their opponents a completely legitimate pin in the match too. These are two of the best tag teams they’ve had in a long, long time, and they are giving them the best possible showcase for their careers, their stories and their talents. So, best case scenario is this match happening.

Worst Case Scenario: Which means, that the Worst Case Scenario is this match not happening. This should be the best match of the night, with only Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins really challenging it for that before the show.

What Nick Wants to Happen: The Banjo Band to finally win the belts, free up the Usos for fun adventures and putting a target on the back of the best team in the business for the foreseeable future.

What Will Happen: An amazing match that will almost definitely involve a passing of the torch, or the ignite of a much larger, long lasting feud. 

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