What’s the Worst That Could Happen: Battleground PPV

Remember that really great Rhodes Brothers/Shield match from last year where Dusty gave Dean the Bionic Elbow? That’s not happening this year, but it’s still Battleground Sunday (just in a completely different month less than a year later…anyways)! And, because we love you we’ll drop our world famous Bang for Your Buck PPV review in your lap on Monday morning (probably.)

To make sure you don’t miss anything, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Now that we’ve gotten the shameless plugs out of the way, let’s figure out tonight in the great American city of Tampa, FL:

Kickoff Match

Cameron Naomi

Cameron vs. Naomi

Best Case Scenario: While this may sound racist, I’d prefer if you’d take this as sexist. No one can tell the difference between Divas, as established by the “Eva Marie needs to dye her hair because she looks too much like Nikki Bella, one of our most popular Divas” Total Divas storyline. So just have Alicia Fox replace Cameron, tell her to not be as good in the ring and make “Rear View” look great. Everybody wins.

Worst Case Scenario: Cameron is also asked to do commentary during this match.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Naomi to finally free herself from the terribleness of Cameron and move onto bigger and better things. Or, because the WWE can be both as racist and sexist as any internet blogger worth their keyboard, a love triangle with Big E. and Kofi Kingston. (Dear WWE: Please, please don’t let this happen. Just let her wrestle, like a person who is a wrestler but also happens to be a woman.)

What Will Happen: Someone will get hit in the face by someone else’s ass.

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