Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Money in the Bank 2014

The Bang For Your Buck PPV is a day late, but as always, NO DOLLARS SHORT. Find out if Money in the Bank, the WWE's third best PPV lived up to its considerable reputation.

 Divas Championship Match



Best Case Scenario: A match somewhere near the level that Paige’s work at when she was in NXT, while Naomi gets to show something more than athleticism. Also, Jerry Lawler keeping his dick in his pants or at the very least not tweeting about his complete inability to do just that.

If the quality of this match was the bare minimum the division could achieve on average, it would the best women’s division in a major promotion ever. That’s not to say this was a particularly great match, but it did what it was supposed to: establish Paige was “not the lady to mess with” and that Naomi (along with, presumably, Cameron for the time being) is a person worth watching from this point on.

Match .25 | PPV .9

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