The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family
Best Case Scenario: This match happening.
What Nick Wants to Happen: This match to happen.
What Will Happen: This match happens, everyone is happy. Wyatts win.
This is, since we’ve begun doing these reviews, easily the best “Bang for Your Buck” match. Unlike other “perfect score” matches, this one felt as though it could ONLY happen on PPV. Not just that, it, even if I hadn’t planned to already, made me desperate to signup for the WWE Network because I needed to make sure I’d see what was going to happen next with everyone involved in this match. While I can’t say “this match made me buy the WWE Network”, it was definitely what made me realize how great the company is doing right now in nearly every single aspect of the business, and more importantly, that the future is as bright as it has ever been.
All six guys made themselves into stars on Sunday, in large part to making sure everyone else looked like stars too. There was literally no moment of this match that didn’t have an air of importance, purpose and most importantly, forethought. It seemed like, without ever saying it, this match was created to establish a new world order in the company. At least four, and possibly five if you include Harper as Future Kane, of these performers have chances to be major players in the company at the level of Randy Orton and John Cena. When you have that type of star power, nearly anything that happens in the match will get over with the crowd because the crowd is just happy to see so many stars in such close proximity. That the actual performances in the match ranged from “breakthrough” in the case of Rowan, to “earth shattering” in the case of Rollins, makes this a transcendently good match for every possible positive reason.
There have been a relatively small number of matches nearly as good as this in WWE history from a technical (Seth Rollins BACKFLIPPED OUT OF A TOP ROPE GERMAN SUPLEX) or story telling (Where’s Ambrose/Handsome Prince vs. the Hillbillies/Bray Wyatt, Eater of Worlds) standpoint, even less as memorable (this will be on every single Best Of… DVD that company produces for any of these performers for the rest of eternity) and perhaps none that have ever had such a beautiful alchemy of both.
If the original TLC matches had been done while we did these Bang for Your Buck reviews, they would be the only possible performances that could compare to the sheer brilliance of what happened in Minneapolis, and even they seem like they would fall short. It could be said that this is the type of match that the “This is Awesome” chant was invented for, but after watching it, it’s clear that even that doesn’t explain quite how incredible this was.
Match +1.5 (We know, but, seriously, watch the match, and tell us it doesn’t make you want to spend money to watch them wrestle everyday of the week and twice on (PPV) Sundays ) | PPV 2.6
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