Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins
Best Case Scenario: This goes on last, the crowd eats it up, and someone — for the love of God/all that is holy — gets busted open.
Worst Case Scenario: This opens the show, the crowd eats it up and then the crowd walks out en masse immediately after.
What Nick Wants to Happen: For this to be good enough for a blowoff match, but not quite the denounement we are looking for. This should keep going, with the stakes getting increasingly higher until Seth finally puts his Money in the Bank contract on the line at WrestleMania, which is then subsequently won and cashed in by Dean on Roman Reigns after he survives Brock Lesnar.
What Will Happen: Seth Rollins will win by hook/crook, allowing people to complain it wasn’t a clean finish/what the Hell is the point of a Cell anyways if you are just going to have interference while ignoring that the original HIAC had the same thing, possible with the same person (Kane)/it should have been given more time while also giving The People What They Want: moar Dean Ambrose tong action.
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