1-on-3 Handicap Match
Best Case Scenario: Daniel Bryan ascends to Rey Mysterio “Ultimate Underdog” status by defeating all three members of The Family with a single Running Knee Strike, like so much 619.
Worst Case Scenario: The Wyatts winning, if only because it means that Daniel Bryan’s run as the Little Engine (Filled with Goats) That Could would likely be over, or turned down to a trickle of Awesome as opposed to the deluge we’ve seen the past 5 months.
What Nick Wants to Happen: Daniel dispatches Bray’s Dueling Banjo Band in a grueling 15-minute 2-on-1 affair before Wyatt wrestles him one-on-one in a separate ten-minute match.
What Will Happen: HBK turns out to be the Devil that made Wyatt do what he did, superkicks Bryan to give the match to the Family.
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