What’s the Worst That Could Happen: The 2013 TLC PPV

Intercontinental Title Match


Best Case Scenario: A fast paced match closer to what Big E. and Dean did before they busted their faces open on each other’s heads than after, with Damien Sandow looking like “aggressive” Damien Sandow and not “leather briefcase holding pansy/uncrowned World’s Champion” Damien Sandow.

Worst Case Scenario: A squash match where Langston only looks strong and Sandow only looks weak.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Something that doesn’t make me depressed that not only did Sandow not become World’s Champion, but has completely moved away from his feud with Cody.

What Will Happen: A squash match where Big E. Langston looks strong and smart, with Sandow only looking weak.

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