What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Tables, Ladders & Chairs … and Stairs

Weird Stipulation Match


Seth Rollins vs. John Cena

Best Case Scenario: Seth Rollins going over and immediately being awarded a title shot at the Royal Rumble. While John Cena continues to be a hero to many, adding new blood in the form of a talented performer like Seth Rollins would be the kind of fan service that the company so desperately needs and having Brock Lesnar challenging someone he has never worked with before will likely draw more new interest than Cena-Lesnar IVVIVI

Worst Case Scenario: John Cena piles Rollins, J & J Security, Big Show and every heel authority figure over the last ten years on his shoulder and AA’s them through a table off a ladder.

What Nick Wants to Happen: A Seth Rollins victory, and very little else.

What Will Happen: A John Cena victory, and very little else. It could be worse, it could be raining WrestleMania.

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