What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Tables, Ladders & Chairs … and Stairs

WWE Tag Team Title Match


MizDo(w)s (C) vs. The Usos

Best Case Scenario: MizDo(w)s continues to innovate their presentation, moving past stealing each other’s pins/submissions for attention, and retain the titles.

Worst Case Scenario: The Usos regain the titles and aren’t immediately destroyed by The Ascension.

What Nick Wants to Happen: MizDow continues to be a hero to people across the world, and, seriously, the Usos not winning back the titles under any circumstances. Please. Unless it’s a heel turn, then, sure, why not?

What Will Happen: The subtle (and not so subtle) tension between MizDo(w)s reaches a fever pitch as they break up during the match and began a feud which will eventually main event WrestleMania 31(‘s preshow).

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