What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Tables, Ladders & Chairs … and Stairs

Chairs Match


Ryback vs. Kane

Best Case Scenario: A well-worked match where no one gets hurt, the Goldberg chants are left at the door and Ryback does Shell-Shocked on not one, but two, chairs.

Worst Case Scenario: Ryback reverts to his Skip Sheffield character and wrestling ability, while Kane reverts back to the Katie Vick storyline and starts humping any inanimate object he can find as he transitions from “Corporate Kane” to “Corporate Liability Kane” like so much Sexual Harassment Panda.

What Nick Wants to Happen: They don’t try to relive the stupidity of the other Chairs match I can remember, and no one gets disqualified for using something other than a chair. And for Kane to make Ryback look as good as Big Show does.

What Will Happen: A match the crowd hates that your correspondent unashamedly loves.

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