Divas Title Match
Nikki Bella (C) vs. A.J. Lee
Best Case Scenario: An actual match given actual time between a vastly improved Nikki Bella and human bump machine A.J. Lee. Last month’s bit of meta-dramedy served a specific purpose, but going to anything close to that well again would be disastrous with a capital OG Sin Cara.
Things this match did well: Established Nikki as the moral equivalent to Seth Rollins in the Divas’ Division. Showed the power of the Bellas running together when both of them can work at the level they are at right now. Let AJ show off her considerable skills as a face. It also gave a tease of what women’s matches can be capable of if given the opportunity to go the distance.
Things this match did not do well at all: Explain in any way why Brie is with Nikki (just, like, something more than “OMG, get over it, we’re sisters” is all your correspondent is asking for). Be Charlotte vs. Sasha Banks.
You win some, you lose some.
Match .35 | PPV 2.9
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