The New Age Outlaws vs. The Ascension
Best Case Scenario: The surprisingly spry New Age Outlaws do an extended riff on their match against the Shield from WrestleMania XXX, allowing The Ascension to go over and get over while show that they can actually work as opposed to stand around while other people do it for them.
Worst Case Scenario: They don’t find a better photo of Billy Gunn for the match graphic.
What Nick Wants to Happen: For the New Age Outlaws being involved to not feel like a colossal time-wasting mistake, and for the Ascension to make the Fall of Man look good for once.
What Will Happen: The Philly crowd losing their shit over the Outlaws’ entrance, the Philly crowd booing the Ascension with X-Pac heat and depending on how long the match goes, at some point, a CM Punk chant because people in general are idiots and people in Philly are complete loudmouth morons.
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