What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: NXT (R) Evolution


Adrian Neville (c) vs. Sami Zayn – NXT Championship Match

Best Case Scenario: After a 30-minute emotional roller coaster, Sami Zayn final puts away Neville with a BrainBustahhhh on the turnbuckle. Triple H then emerges from Gorilla and immediately promotes both men to the main roster after an epic performance.

Worst Case Scenario: Both men blow out their quads during spirited entrances. They ask each other, “What would Harley Race do?” and continue the match as planned. It’s only kinda good.

What Matthew Wants to Happen: This one’s easy, I’m a Sami Zayn mark. GIVE ME MY BOYHOOD DREAM MOMENT WITH SAMI GODDAMITTTT.

What Will Happen: Sami Zayn wins on interference from Kevin Owens, which he didn’t request, but accepts as he clutches his new title. Neville is promoted to the main roster after an great run as NXT Champ.

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