Hideo Itami & Finn Balor vs. The Ascension
Best Case Scenario: Finn Balor comes out in full Drax the Destroyer body paint. So many nasty chops. The international indy darlings help the Ascension look like the Road Warriors, but a well-timed Busaiui Knee and GTS wins it for our heroes. Bray Wyatt then shows up, beats down the winners, and recruits his new family.
Worst Case Scenario: Both Itami and Balor look unsure of themselves and the match is less than crisp. The Ascension get counted-out when Konnor can’t stop shouting YAH! at a vendor asking “who wants peanuts?” in the crowd.
What Matthew Wants to Happen: See the Best Case Scenario. I know.
What Will Happen: Finn DOES wear some body paint, but nothing trademarked or copyrighted. We get the best Itami match so far, and ours heroes win as the Ascension finally leave for Rawer pastures. Sorry.
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