What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Night of Champions (2013)

WWE Championship Match20130822_LIGHT_NOC_Orton_Dbryan_C

Randy Orton (C) vs. Daniel Bryan

Best Case Scenario: Triple H guarantees that Bryan will eventually get over on Orton/Better for Business Bureau before match on WWE App, Randy Orton pulls out total bullshit ending that makes WM 18, XIX and 25 look like WM XX, 21, 22 and XXIV.

Worst Case Scenario: WrestleMania IX with injured Cena as Hogan.

What Nick Wants to Happen: The two best performers in the company continue WWE main event hot streak,Orton retains by the skin of his teeth.

What Will Happen: Ref bump, flying knee kick, no ref, Orton punches Daniel Bryan in dick the RKOs him, Braddox comes out, fast count.

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