What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Night of Champions (2013)

Handicap Elimination Match


CM Punk vs. Curtis Axel & Paul Heyman

Best Case Scenario: Curtis Axel fights valiantly before losing because Punk’s blind rage makes him go full Wolverine, is disemboweled, causing match to be stopped by trainers so they can tend to wound. Lesnar comes back as hero, main events WM with fight to death against Punk as Heyman is suspended over ring in cage.

Worst Case Scenario: Curtis Axel fights valiantly, defeats Punk after overcoming odds, Heyman and Punk hug it out.

What Nick Wants to Happen: CM Punk gets his hands on Heyman, Kofi Kingston comes out and screws over Punk, becomes new Heyman guy. Kofi awarded IC title by Paul E., who isn’t mad at Curtis Axel. Just disappointed.

What Will Happen: CM Punk promised he was going to destroy Paul Heyman at this PPV. He will most likely do so, given that faces cannot break promises.

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