What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Night of Champions (2013)

World Heavyweight Championship Match 20130826_LARGE_NOC_DelRio_RVD_C2

 Alberto Del Rio (C) vs. Rob Van Dam

Best Case Scenario: RVD is incapacitated in bong-related incident, Ricardo replaces him in the “Virgil vs. DiBiase if Virgil could wrestle” match everyone actually wants to see. Ricardo miraculously wins. Sandow cashes in briefcase.

Worst Case Scenario: Rob Van Dam leaves the arena as champion.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Alberto goes full shark monster on Van Dam, Ricardo screws RVD just so he can have a gimmick that doesn’t feel like putting lipstick on a stoned pig.

What Will Happen: Del Rio retains, kills RVD dead, setting up depressing and inevitable (and inevitably depressing) feud between Alberto and a returning Rey with Rodriguez at his side.

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