What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: Extreme Rules Edition

‘I QUIT’ MATCH for WHC No.1 Contendership 


Best Case Scenario: Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger end this racist gimmick, make it a “I Wish I Knew How To Quit You” match, turn face and become best friends with ADR and Ricardo. They go on picnics together.

Worst Case Scenario: Jack Swagger accidentally kicks Ricardo Rodriguez’s head off, then recieves WWE Title run as punishment.

What Nick Wants to Happen: Alberto Del Rio to win, Jack Swagger to lose cleanly, Big E. Langston comes out, gives both of them the Big Ending at the same time, becomes number one contender.

What Will Happen: Tomfoolery, chicanery, someone being forced to say “I Quit” but not because they are in pain.

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