What About Me? What About Randy?

Raw Regurgitated, 12/16

Why not have this match at the PPV? It seems like everyone would have been much happier if they worked a tag team match last night between Do R’s Truth in the Woods? and Tons of Funk where Brodus went HAM on Tensai before Xavier and Ron took the Funkdactyls while Sweet Tea laid dead on the side of the ring.


Shawn Michaels is trying so hard to get people to hate him,  but it’s never going to happen. If him turning on his student Daniel Bryan AND siding with his BEST FRIEND Triple H hasn’t made the people hate him as collateral damage. He could kill and eat a baby in the middle  of that very ring, and as long as somebody other than the baby got superkicked the crowd would cheer.


And now I am thinking about the Usos. Them not getting their usual entrance was understandable,  but them not even getting the chance to  get the crowd to chant set the tone for the rest of this match, and how rushed it felt. It was a good match, but it seemed to be at least a little listless, but that might be a function of how monumental the TLC PPV was in the history of the Shield. It’ll be interesting to see if the seeming inevitability of a messy breakup will affect the way the crowd  or opponents react to them.



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