Over the course of seven days, there’s a lot of wrestling on TV. But only some of it is actually worth watching. That’s where Spoiler Alert comes in: we break down the spoilers of all of WWE’s pre-taped shows to let you know what you should watch, and which segments and full shows you should skim or skip.
EDITOR’S NOTE: We realize these shows have already aired. But this week’s taping schedule threw us a curveball. So with that said, this week’s Spoiler Alert is for the folks who DVR the show and haven’t yet had a chance to watch. It’s almost like a review, but not quite.
This week, Andy enjoys SmackDown!, loves Superstars Summer Rae and tolerates 3MB.
(spoilers via Wrestlezone.com)
R-Truth & Xavier Woods d 3MB 3MB is represented in-ring by Drew and Jinder. They job handily to the newest mid-card tag team. Hey, they’re better than Los Matadores. Ole! Should be a decent little match.
AJ Lee d Kaitlyn in a nontitle match These girls know each other so well, so they should be able to do something decent together. Remember when Kaitlyn was at the top of the division?
The Miz d Curtis Axel Wrestlezone says, (in my best Michael Cole voice): “Both Foley and Ryback were ringside for the match.” Now, granted, I only caught the first half of Raw, and may have missed something… but either this has to be a typo, or WWE fans can’t tell Cactus Jack from Kofi Kingston.
SKIM this show … Decent but ultimately inconsequential.
(spoilers via ProWrestling.com)
Summer Rae d Kaitlyn Live reports say this was pretty decent, and that Summer is improving in the ring. I say that review comes from someone who doesn’t watch NXT, who doesn’t realize the future Mrs. Angry Andy is AWESOME.
R-Truth & Xavier Woods d 3MB, in a repeat from Main Event. At least the right team is going over, right?
WATCH this show … even if just for Summer Rae. She’s quite good. I don’t just pick ANYONE to be my future wife, y’know?
(spoilers via Wrestlezone.com)
Randy Orton cuts a promo on how he’s cemented his legacy as WWE World Heavyweight Champion. John Cena and Daniel Bryan come out to disagree, because (in their best Mark Henry voice) THAT’S WHAT THEY DO. The Shield and CM Punk also come out to the ring. Vickie Guerrero embraces her inner Teddy Long, making The Shield vs Cena, Punk and Bryan your main event. Good thing these guys all hate each other, or this show may not have had a friggin main event. #WrestlingLogic
Big E. Langston d Jack Swagger with Mark Henry at ringside. Langston continues to get solid, decisive wins over legitimate competition. This is how you build a babyface.
Brie Bella d Tamina, with AJ Lee on commentary. The LOP reviewer says the finish was sloppy. I’m not surprised. This builds towards the Total Divas Season 2 finale, where Brie Bella becomes Divas Champion, in a match that NO ONE wants to see.
Bad News Barrett delivers some bad news. The internet continues to shit all over the gimmick without giving it the slightest chance to develop, because the crowd that begs for new and original ideas hates getting what they ask for.
Sin Cara d Drew McIntyre Sin Hunicara continues to look better, be booked better, and generally be better than the original ever had a chance to be. Imagine what this character could be today, if Hunico had played the role from the start?
Tensai d Brodus Clay Clay came out sans music. Tensai takes the win when Xavier Woods and The Funky Bunch create a diversion. Clay attacks Tensai after the match, and Woods makes the save.
Erick Rowan & Luke Harper d Goldust & Cody Rhodes in a non-title match. I’m sure Nick is sick of hearing me say it, but I want the Goldust-Cody angle to mirror the Bret/Owen build and breakup. If that means the Wyatt Family plays the role of the The Quebecers, taking the tag titles and leading to Goldy’s heel turn, I’ll be a very happy man. Anyway, it becomes a 3-on-2, until Daniel Bryan makes the save, leading to..
Daniel Bryan, Goldust & Cody Rhodes d The Wyatt Family in a 6-man tag match. It’s said to be very good.
Damien Sandow cuts a promo. Apparently Christmas sucks…just in a very smart way.
Fandango d Kofi Kingston Common sense tells me Dolph Ziggler and The Miz should be involved, leading to something next week… but these spoilers indicate no such thing. I’m still going to assume that’s the case, though. I’m glad to see Fandango getting a little momentum. Johnny Curtis is a solid talent, who started strong with his Wrestlemania win over Chris Jericho. He never regained the momentum he lost when he went out with a concussion, and Curtis Axel took his IC title reign. Nice to see they’re willing to try again.
Daniel Bryan is murdered backstage, so the main event is now a handicapped match.
Cena & CM Punk d The Shield by DQ, when The Shield gang up on Punk. Lame finish. After the match, Cena takes a spear from Roman Reigns, and CM Punk eats a triple powerbomb. Then Big E. Langston comes out to clean house and make the save.
WATCH THIS SHOW… Lots of good action, good storytelling, and what looks like a big angle to end the show. WWE is doing everything it can to make sure Big E. is its next breakout star. Let’s see how he does.
Stop by later this weekend for a special edition of Watch, Skip or Skim, where we’ll be spoiling the pre-taped Raw is Christmas and SmackDown!.
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