The Suicide Dive Squad

Raw Regurgitated, 12/8

As someone with serious trepidation over what was going to happen with The New Day faction, it looks like they’ve done the best they possibly can with it without making it interesting or intriguing. While that may seem like the definition of damning with backhanded feint praise, the truth is the realistic alternative — some sort “Mirror, Mirror” version of Cryme Tyme where they are the first part of the Wayans Brothers theme song — was significantly worse. At the very least, they seem to genuinely enjoy each other company and what they are doing, which is all I can really ask for from any performer, especially with the way they look to be able to deliver as a trio in the ring. As a superhero trio, this team  works and if they can keep this up, it may end up giving all three a bigger platform for each of them than they would have had as three independent performers. Also, for the idiots: I’m pretty sure they are saying “New! Day!” along with the group, not booing. They don’t care enough about them to boo. Also, you — yes you — are a moron.
The idea that surprise returns are enough of a trope that they’d have a Slammy Award for it makes sense. And seeing John Laurinitas always warms my heart, of course. But the idea that knowing that best case for this category was the winner showing up via satellite, why not just have this award on the WWE Network preshow and put up an award for something like Breakthrough Performer? Or, if you wanted to hold off on Dean Ambrose until that hilariously over the top ambulance bit, something like Tag Team of the year before the six-man involving the two teams competing at TLC (&S) this Sunday? This was perhaps the second most nonsensical bit of booking in the show.
The most nonsensical bit of booking? This:
Which is extra depressing considering half of the idea makes total sense. Wanting to get Charlotte on the show in the Carolinas, before Thursday’s NXT Takeover is about as logical a decision as you can make. Having her lose to Natalya — who she’s beaten before clean for a championship — on national television? Almost irredeemably dumb. If they don’t understand what they have in Charlotte Flair, they might as well just let monkeys — or at least a smarter group of monkeys than they already have — book the Divas division, because they’d likely have a better chance of success from throwing actual crap at the wall to see what sticks.

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