Segment 4: Gut Check Match

Positives: Nobody got hurt.
Negatives: “The Big O” has a look, name, and ability level that represent exactly what wrestling needs less of. Taz’ commentary making fun of Ryan Howe (who, don’t get me wrong, wholly deserves to be made fun of) completely undercut any sense of importance or seriousness in this match.
Segment Score: -1
Segment 5: Bully Ray Confronts T.J. Perkins
Positives: As with the Chris Sabin segment earlier, Ray tipped his hand and revealed his inner chicken heel by showing genuine concern about which X Division wrestler will challenge him at Destination X.
Negatives: Earlier in the show, Hulk Hogan introduced T.J. Perkins by telling us that we should feel sorry for him because he got beat up. Now, rather than focusing on getting his own revenge, Perkins is portrayed as a weak pawn in the heel champion’s storyline.
Segment Score: +0