Segment 4: Bobby Roode & Kazarian vs. Austin Aries & Christopher Daniels
Positives: The match had the most natural story to tell of any of the Joker’s Wild contests, and it didn’t drop the ball. The four set up the match well with their backstage exchange, and the announcers did a good job explaining what a unique circumstance each of these men was in. It’s always nice to see a match packed with good workers, which this certainly was.
Negatives: I didn’t find much fault in this match, but if anything, given the story that was being told and the skill of the wrestlers involved, I think it could have benefitted from another five minutes.
Segment Score: +1
Segment 5: Aces & Eights Choose Their New VP
Positives: Bully Ray recusing himself from the voting was really interesting, and I thought his performance in this segment showed some real nuance. He still seemed like a heel, but you could see why a gang of people would see him as a leader they want to follow. This segment did a good job portraying Aces & Eights as an actual gang, displaying both the brotherhood and the interior politics.
Negatives: Typical TNA booking has Anderson (37) being made more important than D.O.C. (29). I guess the kayfabe argument would be that Anderson is “smarter” and “more experienced” than D.O.C., but Hankinson has turned in some solid performances in the last few weeks and, if booked correctly, could be a player in TNA for the next decade. Of course, my objections to this would be assuaged if Impact tells a compelling story between now and Bound For Glory centering on D.O.C.’s growing satisfaction and disillusionment with A&E.
Segment Score: +0
Segment 6: Taryn Terrell vs. Gail Kim
Positives: These two proved their Last Woman Standing match at Slammiversary wasn’t a fluke with another show-stealing performance. Kim and Terrell both put in high-level efforts, and for once the ladder gimmick didn’t seem superfluous or in the way. It’s a mystery to me how the male wrestlers in TNA aren’t feeling the heat from the spectacular performances the Knockouts have been putting on over the last few months.
Negatives: I was very disappointed that this wasn’t the main event of the show. Also, as great as Mickie James has been with her new heel character, I’m not sure it’s good sense to have a heel-heel title match so early in her reign. I think the WWE proved to all of us that there’s little money or excitement in a babyface Gail Kim.
Segment Score: +1