The Big Guy Strikes Again

Raw Regurgitated, 11/17

Two most important things my girlfriend said during Raw last night more than once: “I don’t like John Cena, he’s always so annoying” and “How did they get Grumpy Cat? Seriously, How Did They Get Grumpy Cat?!”. So at least half of the WWE’s marketing plan worked?

Even if we could be guaranteed that Darren Young isn’t The Bunny, it’s probably best if just act like that whole little feigned sodomy bit never happened, right? Right.

It’s hard to imagine the WWE doing a worse job with two young stars than they have with Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt over the past month. Not just as a pairing, but individually, the WWE doesn’t seem to understand or care what makes either performer generate the type of heat necessary to build this feud into something that will get viewers to pay Free-Ninety-Nine to see Survivor Series. Though it’s always best to not repeat certain aspects over and over again for fear of viewer fatigue, and therefore at least understandable why November hasn’t simply been “pin the tail on the Wyatt” for Ambrose after several months of it in his feud with Rollins, the alternative they’ve come up with has completely neutered both performers in ways that can get either of them over. These two are movie stars in the less-classic “we play ‘ourselves'” sense of the word and having them shoved into a storyline, especially one as goofy as this one has been — and how far its dropped from the conclusion of last month’s main event to “somewhere on the card” — isn’t good for long term growth.

Also, Real Talk: whose what cell phone on earth has a video camera that nice on it? And who exactly is Dean Ambrose supposed to be borrowing it from?

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