The Big Guy Strikes Again

Raw Regurgitated, 11/17

This won’t win match of the year, and it might not even win match of the night, but, in terms of advancing a storyline through the illusion of change, putting the belt on an exceedingly deserving Luke Harper — which establishing Dolph Ziggler as a self-sustaining ball of sympathetic energy — it was the “best” match of Harper’s career  and the most meaningful work that Ziggler has done since his final title feud with Alberto Del Rio. Luke Harper hasn’t just been re-established as a force to be reckoned with, but as established in the eyes of fans as someone who is a player at the table going forward.

And, while it’s fun to say Ziggler is getting buried, it’s become clear — especially with what happened on the rest of the show — that Ziggler is being positioned near the top of the card in a way that even exceeds the last time he was a contender/holder of a major title. Of course, there are a lot of workers who, right now, aren’t available to usurp Ziggler’s spot, but it’s hard to imagine that anyone is going to be able to knock him back down to where he was before given the way the crowd has been reacting to him and the body of work he put together to give the Intercontinental Title meaning again.

It also doesn’t hurt that these two have enough chemistry to fuel a blockbuster romantic comedy (Working title? Some Like It Hoss…)

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