The Beard is Here

Raw Regurgitated, 8/5

The Wyatt Family hasn’t reached the point where you can predict which segments they’re going to come in, but every time, it’s kind of wonderful. Like this time for instance, I did not think they were even technically on the roster, and they just got myself — and probably everyone like me watching — super excited about a Tons of Fun match.

Is Bray Wyatt: The Man of a Thousand Truths a spinoff to 100 Deeds for Eddie McDowd?

Man, they know EXACTLY what they are doing with this Husky Harris push.

Dr. Issac Yankem is going to have an awesome match with IRS’s son. The Day Job Era lives!


Given that she wrestles like Beth Phoenix and — according to my girlfriend — looks like a soccer mom, may I suggest a relationship with Ricardo Rodriguez and a country music singer gimmick for Kaitlyn after this whole Layla/AJ/Dolph/Big E. thing is over?


There are matches without serious implications for storylines, there are throwaway matches and there are matches between Christian and Heath Slater.

Speaking of throwaway matches, someone should just give Heath Slater a lower-midcard belt already. That dude has earned it.

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