The Beard is Here

Raw Regurgitated, 8/5

Ricardo’s back! Not for very long, because Alberto literally can’t use him anymore because he’s too over, but it’s nice to see him back!

Oh no. They really are making the WHC the IC belt, aren’t they?

***WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION AHEAD***PLEASE KEEP HANDS AND FEET INSIDE OF KAYFABE*** I really hope they keep Ricardo on the roster, as he is an incredible seller, a hard worker, and a seemingly good guy. For once, I’m not sure of a role he could fulfill, but they should really be able to find something for him to do. Having Said That, if you are going to get killed off, that’s the best way to do it, basically ever. ***END OF WRESTLING NERD DISCUSSION***PLEASE ENJOY YOUR COMPLIMENTARY SONIC MILKSHAKE ON THE WAY OUT


Cody’s not the best talker but this is the quietest crowd in history. Is Green Bay still pissed about the R Truth screwup from the Little Jimmy heel turn?

How did you not see that coming, Damien? Cody’s clearly way smarter than you.

One has to wonder what type of match these guys are going to have at SummerSlam. Probably something in a cage, if I had to guess. That way the contract can’t interfere.

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