"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling, 11/21

This week, TNA presents their “Turning Point” event in lieu of a regular episode of Impact Wrestling. That “Turning Point” represents TNA’s return to Universal Studios, where they will tape two episodes of Impact over the weekend, is surprisingly, not the worst that could happen.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling, 10/31

This week’s Halloween edition of Impact Wrestling will try to answer the terrifying question of how you can have a professional wrestling league without a champion. Universal Studios’ monsters Abyss and Lei’D Tapa will appear alongside the spookiest witch of them all: Dixie Carter.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling, 10/24

This week’s edition of Impact Wrestling will feature TNA’s immediate follow-up to their biggest show of the year, Bound For Glory. The centerpiece of the show will be the World Heavyweight Championship rematch between Bully Ray and new champ “The Phenomenal A.J. Styles.” What’s the worst that could happen?

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Impact Wrestling, 10/10

This week’s edition of Impact Wrestling falls on the third anniversary of “the night The Band got back together” 10/10/10, but ironically/luckily will contain no Hulk Hogan as TNA focuses on the fallout from his abrupt exit from power and the larger build towards Bound For Glory.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What's the Worst That Could Happen: Impact Wrestling 7/25

After building last week’s edition of Impact Wrestling around a World Heavyweight Title change, TNA goes into this week promising to resolve another title situation by introducing a new X-Division Champion. Along with the surefire title change, TNA is advertising a big time Bound for Glory Series matchup between A.J. Styles and Jeff Hardy along with two other BFG series contests.

Bang For Your Buck PPV Reviews

Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Money in the Bank 2013

Last night was the Money in the Bank PPV, where careers are made, bodies are broken, and we spend the entire night worrying whether or not wrestlers have legitimately blown out their knees or are just pretending they did. It’s also been the best Bang for Your Buck PPV over the last few years, and 2011’s edition is in fact the highest rated in our system (read: on the list in my head). Did this one live up to the legacy?