"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

Bang for Your Buck PPV Review: Royal Rumble 2015

Last night was the 2015 Royal Rumble, which answered two age old questions: How can one man subsist on German suplexes alone? And, how many adult Philadelphians acting like children who’ve had their favorite toy away does it take to nearly derail a professional wrestling show?

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s The Worst That Could Happen?: Royal Rumble 2015

It’s the Royal Rumble, the State of the Union of the WWE! And you know what that means – time to figure out which way the WWE can make itself less palatable to overgrown manchildren who refuse to appreciate that the product isn’t made for them. OR something like that, we’ll just be focusing on the next entrant.

How Wrestling Explains The World

How Wrestling Explains the World: Goldeneye

This is a little feature we like to call “Is Wrestling _____?”, where we attempt to make a connection between professional wrestling and something from the world outside of Kayfabe. Today, we’ll look James Bond and the changing face of heroic nationalism.