
Say It Like You Mean It: The Impact Wrestling Preview, 11/28

Like every other wrestling company, TNA creates a weekly preview of its flagship show, Impact Wrestling. And, like every other wrestling company, they don’t always tell the truth when hyping their product. Thankfully, Dave is here to try to figure what TNA is trying to say, and tell you what he thinks, so you don’t have to do either. This week: fake Survivor Series matches and real turkey suits.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen?: Impact Wrestling, 11/21

This week, TNA presents their “Turning Point” event in lieu of a regular episode of Impact Wrestling. That “Turning Point” represents TNA’s return to Universal Studios, where they will tape two episodes of Impact over the weekend, is surprisingly, not the worst that could happen.

Bang For Your Buck PPV Reviews

Bang For Your Buck PPV Review: Bound For Glory (2013)

Last night, TNA Wrestling presented the culminating event of their wrestling year, Bound For Glory, live from the Veijas Arena at San Diego State University. Heading into the event, the nearly unanimous opinion in the wrestling world was that TNA had done a poor job making “their Wrestlemania” feel special in spite of four full months of TV time build angles. Let’s find out it was right.

"What's The Worst That Could Happen?"

What’s the Worst That Could Happen? Impact Wrestling, 10/10

This week’s edition of Impact Wrestling falls on the third anniversary of “the night The Band got back together” 10/10/10, but ironically/luckily will contain no Hulk Hogan as TNA focuses on the fallout from his abrupt exit from power and the larger build towards Bound For Glory.