#RollinsWeek – Essential Viewing

Seth Rollins Meets His Battleground Opponent 
(Raw, June 15, 2015)

Alright, I know there’s no match here. That’s the point. Even without a match taking place, Seth Rollins still delivers a masterful, physical performance…without taking a single bump.

Say what you want about Seth’s promos. I, for one, am a fan, and think he does a great job delivering to the table what’s cooked up by the creative team. Some disagree, and that’s fine.

What I want you to pay attention to here is Seth’s acting once (um, spoiler alert?) Brock’s music hits. The facial expression towards Trips and Steph, the “I’m afraid to look, and afraid to look away” expressions when Brock gets in the ring, and how broken Rollins looks as a man in general.

This is great acting. As Nick would say, this is some next level shit… and it proves, to me, that Seth Rollins is THE top heel in WWE today.

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