NYWC Starlets Championship Match
Aria Cadenza vs. Sammy Pickles
This one starts with Aria in the ring, alone, demanding Pickles either come to the ring or be counted out. An injured Sammy fights her way to the ring. NYWC management tells the referee not to let this go too far, or let her get hurt, or it’s on him. The beatdown begins. Sammy kicks out of Aria’s powerhouse offense, including her Vader Bomb finish.
Finally, Sammy manages to hit a sunset flip powerbomb off the top for the clean pinfall victory. Post-match celebration with all the babyface starlets, and a ring full of green streamers.
What I liked: Was it perfect? No. But you know what? This match was awesome. Sammy played the ultimate underdog babyface all night, and managed to pull off a win against the dominant starlet killer, to finally win the title.
And she got to do it in the main event of NYWC’s first ever all-starlet show, with a perfect post-match celebration.
What more could you really ask for?
We Can Do It is more than a niche show on NYWC’s biggest weekend of the year. It was a shining example of the depth of NYWC’s roster, and the talent therein. And it won’t be the last time the Starlets get the stage to themselves. NYWC has announced the next all-starlets show will be held on Friday, May 29th – with Brittany Savage returning to the ring against Rick Cataldo. It’s too early to announce anything else, but you can bet that most of the starlets who stole the show at We Can Do It will do it again in May.
I’ll be there. You should be, too.
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