NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "We Can Do It"

Round 1 Match

Willow Nightingale vs. Sammy Pickles

This was the first time I’ve seen Willow.  She’s green, but she has potential.  He also has a great look which, for some wrestlers, is half the battle.  My appreciation for Sammy Pickles is well-documented.

Willow dominates Sammy for a while with power moves, and a lot of heeling on the crowd.  Sammy makes her comeback and wins clean with a schoolboy schoolgirl roll-up to advance to the second round.

What I liked: The size difference worked well with Sammy’s underdog schtick.  Just like pitting Lexa against Rick Cataldo was a great way to establish her as a babyface, putting Willow in with the top babyface Starlet was a quick and easy way to introduce her as a legitimate heel.

What made me angry: In a perfect world, both of these girls would have been in there with more experienced workers.  Shortening this match probably would have protected Willow a bit better.  Regardless, this was still a decent match, and a productive debut.

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