NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

Mike Mondo vs. Drew Gulak

This may be the match I was most excited for. From the minute I heard it was happening, my only thought was “oh man, that’s going to be really good.”  Two technically sound guys getting the chance to go out there and do what they do best?  What more could you ask for?

This was so good.  Some classic spots, and some very creative ones, too.  I can’t describe some of the spots without having a picture and/or video, to get across what the hell I’m talking about.  I could watch these guys work together every month. Mondo hits a big headscissors off the top, an armbreaker on the apron, and then a snapmare driver for the win. After, he shakes Gulak’s hand, and cuts a promo about respect. He says Rex Lawless never showed him respect, so he’s going to let his actions speak louder than his words.

What I liked:  Everything.

OH, I almost forgot to mention this, but props to the referee.  He really sold the importance and validity of all the covers and submission holds.  Most people only remember to mention the ref when he fucks something up, but not here.  So, you know, props to the referee.

What made me angry: Nothing

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