NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

#1 Contendership for the NYWC Starlet Championship

Sammy Pickles vs. Aria Cadenza

Pre-match, Kimber Lee comes out in her ring gear. She introduces herself to the crowd, declares herself the best thing going in wrestling today, and says that regardless of who wins, she’s the real number one contender. She takes off.  Aria’s out first, followed by Sammy, who has new theme music and facepaint.   Aria attacks prematch, and soon goes for a Vader Bomb. She misses, Sammy rolls her up for three, and that’s that.  Kimber Lee runs back in to brawl with Sammy.  Sammy hits a 619 and sends Kimber packing.

What I liked: There wasn’t much here that I didn’t like. I think the pre-match promo was solid.  The match was short and sweet, and worked well with Sammy’s plucky underdog character.  The post-match attack builds to a couple of matches, that may just have a title on the line.  It’s nice to see some new faces, and new direction, in the Starlets division.

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