NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Tour de Circus"

NYWC returned to the Sportatorium in Deer Park Saturday for their last show of 2014, Tour de Circus.  The crowd was a little bit smaller than usual, since WWE was in town for its annual holiday run through Long Island and NYC.  While it’s always fun to see the WWE Superstars in action, the folks who chose WWE over NYWC missed out on a pretty good show, with good action, storyline development, and a couple of cool surprises.

As I’ve noted here before, I like to judge shows, in part, on how their received by the friends who tag along. I’ve come with diehard fans, non-fans, and everything in between.  For this show, I was joined by my coworker Mike, who watches a lot of WWE, and not much else.  He had a good time, and so did I.

Now, let’s get to the action, shall we?

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