NYWC: Angry Andy Reviews "Sideshow"

David Finley vs. Grim Reefer

Reefer wins a solid match with a frogsplash. Every month, I write about how good Reefer is.  He was solid here, too, so I’m going to focus on Finley.

David is a 4th generation wrestler, and son of former WCW and WWE wrester Fit Finley.  He looks a lot like his old man, and works like him, too.

David’s technical stuff looked really good.  He hit a beautiful northern lights suplex, and a pretty nice floatover suplex, too. He also hit the forearms and stiff-looking shots that you would expect.
He has some things to work on, which mostly come down to fine touches.  He could use a more pronounced look, as his gear was kind of generic.  He could also stand to show off some more personality in the ring.  That will come with time.

I liked what I saw in the ring.  I liked what I heard from him in conversation after the show.  He has a lot to live up to.  But his dad is also responsible for the complete turnaround of women’s wrestling in the United States, so I think it’s safe to say he’s in good hands. I’m looking forward to seeing where he is in a few years.

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