SWA Showcase Match
Jack Gallow vs. Trent Farrell
After this show, I think I’m going to stop writing about showcase matches. This was frustrating. Gallow tried hard, but Farrell didn’t look like he wanted to be there. He looked like he got gassed pretty early, his offense was weak and Gallow oversold the hell out of it, which didn’t really help. Gallow wins after a distraction and a gimmick shot.
What I liked: Farrell’s partner/manager/whatever was super charismatic and seemed to be having fun. If there was anything I really liked about the match itself, it was that it wasn’t a total spotfest like prior showcase matches. Lots of character work, especially from Gallow.
What made me angry: This wasn’t good, and it was pretty clear why. If we’re going to showcase other talents, I’d prefer to see them integrated into matches with the regular NYWC roster. Then, guys who are worth showcasing can be paired up with some better workers, who the crowd knows.
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