The Sportatorium was PACKED, and the crowd was LOUD. Show starts with an awesome video package, summarizing the last few months worth of main event storylines. So, if you want to catch up on everything going into the show, without reading my last half dozen NYWC reviews, click here. Then, we get right to the action, with the introduction of 30 or so superstars.
Jokers Wild Battle Royal
Lots going on in this match, and a lot to follow, which can be a little hard without the benefit of WWE cameras and announcers to guide the stories. A lot of the unknown guys got dumped early, leading to a few highlights: J-Redd wins the “Kofi Kingston Elimination Avoidance” award for a cool spot, where he landed on the guard rail, kept his balance (despite some kid shaking the rail) and jumped back to the ring apron. DJ Hyde and Monsta Mack, easily the two biggest guys in the match, just stood int he corner for a while, daring people to try to eliminate them. They didn’t.
Alvin Alvarez got into it with Brooke Danielle in the corner, showed no mercy in her elimination, then paid the price for it. My boy JT Kasin got some super chants throughout, and was looking good until the Brother Club reared its ugly head, and TJ Marconi and Braydon Knight eliminated him. Here’s hoping JT didn’t notice I was wearing my Good Times Only shirt.
Finish sees Anthony LaCerra dump both Monsta Mack and DJ Hyde for the win. Big pop for the finish.
What I liked: This was a great battle royal. In past years, I’ve said this match (and others like it in other feds) felt like filler, designed to get everyone on the card. This didn’t feel like filler. This was a solid match that told a lot of stories (my recap really didn’t do it justice) and made a lot of the NYWC guys look really good. This was such a good way to start the show.
What made me angry: Lots of non-NYWC guys in this one, which is fine – because you need to fill out the battle royal. But if I have to find something not to like about this one, it’s that any of those guys had a shot to win a title match.
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