NYWC: Angry Andy Enters the House of Madness

DJ Hyde vs Braydon Knight

Braydon is accompanied by his Reckless & Wasted tag partner JT Kasin, who lost to DJ last month.  This match had a cool, old-school feel to it.  Deej is great at working the crowd and the camera.  Lots of stiff chops between these two. Finish sees JT accidentally drop some beers into the ring, and try to hand one off to his tag partner. DJ hits a double spear, then kills Braydon with a lariat for the win.  Kasin and Knight argue post-match.

What I liked: Good match, which was a good, logical follow to the Hyde/Kasin match.  I liked that the finish played off their gimmicks… and I’ll leave it at that, to avoid spoiling anything.

What made me angry: DJ killed so many beers.  I was so sober.  He could have handed me half of those beers instead of making a huge mess, making both me and NYWC management very happy in the process.

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