NYWC: Angry Andy Enters the House of Madness

NYWC Championship

“Flawless” Blake Morris © vs. Big O vs. Mike Mondo

Decent match that quickly ended in a triple countout, when all three guys brawled out of the building.  NYWC management calls for the match to be re-started.  Morris tries to walk out, which is a weird move, since a pinfall in his absence would have meant a new champion. Eventually, Mikey Whipwreck interferes and goes after Whipwreck, ending in a giant schmozz for the no contest finish.  Post-match, it’s announced that Morris, O, Mondo and Whipwreck will compete in a 4-way steel cage match for the title.

What I liked: Morris played a ‘tweener pretty well, though the crowd didn’t really seem to pick up on his babyface hints.  O is intense, and Mondo is great.  The schmozz was fine to set up next month, but mostly because this was not the main event.

What made me angry: I’m so happy to see Blake Morris get the chance to be carry the ball as NYWC champion.  I’d like to see him get the chance to get a few clean wins under his proverbial belt while carrying the actual belt, or else his title reign won’t mean much in the end.

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