NYWC: Angry Andy (And Nick!) Review April Reign

Fusion Title Tournament Qualifying Match

Grim Reefer vs. Tony Mamaluke

Solid match. Reefer is always awesome, and Mamaluke was a nice treat. These guys had a really crisp match. Reefer had it won with the Chronic Crossface, when Mamaluke’s manager pulled out the referee. Mamaluke wins with the old suplex from the outside, but the manager holds his legs so he can’t kick out spot. You know the one.
Simple match, solid storytelling. Everybody wins.

Nick says: As a quarter-blooded Italian (.25BI), I found the FBI’s lack of Nunzio to be distracting. But, any time you can relive WrestleMania V is okay in my book, and that finish was something Bobby Heenan would have been proud of. Though, and this isn’t a “WON’T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!” thing, am I the only one who finds it slightly weird that the Grim Reefer is so over with kids? While it’s probably good for him, and maybe his merch sales, all the LET’S GO REEFER chants reminded me of this:


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