#KOWeek – Essential Viewing

Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor

NXT Championship

(WWE Beast in the East, July 4, 2015)


Just in case you thought all Kevin Owens could do was get himself over… Last weekend, Kevin Owens showed us how he’s more than capable of taking another worker and making him a star.

This match speaks for itself, as does the talent of the men involved. If you missed it, you need to watch it, right now. No exceptions. If you don’t have a WWE Network subscription (which, come on, it’s only $9.99) stop what you’re doing right now. Call a friend, get their username and password, and follow the link below. You won’t be disappointed.
Actually, watch most of the damn show. Skip the divas and the main event. Everything else is more than worth your time. You’re welcome.

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