#KOWeek – Angry Andy’s Top 10 Main Roster Opponents for Kevin Owens


2. Bray Wyatt

This is one of a handful of rivalries on this list that would require someone to make a face turn. I’m not sure who would be the one to embrace the WWE Universe, but I’d guess it’d be Mr. Wyatt. Embrace those fireflies, y’know?


I’d like to see this feud for two very simple reasons.

First off, the promos would be pretty epic. We were all drawn to Bray from the beginning, thanks to his mic work. He captivates the audience…even when he really doesn’t say anything of actual substance. And Owens… Owens (looks and) speaks like the every-man (if every man had a French Canadian accent) and delivers simple, believable promos on a consistent basis. These two in a war of words would approach Kevin Smith-movie levels of dialogue.. with slightly fewer dick jokes.

The other reason? Both Bray Wyatt and Kevin Owens work a devastatingly-physical style in the ring. Watching both guys put it all on the line in a series of pay-per-view Network exclusive matches will be well-worth your $9.99. I’d bet on accidental blood, broken noses, and a lot of “this is awesome” chants.

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